Roskomnadzor blocked the website of the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph

Roskomnadzor, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, blocked the page of the website of the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. Information about this is contained in the register of the department.

The decision to block was made on April 22. The RKN database indicates that access is limited to only one page, but in fact the entire website of the publication is blocked.

According to the RKN, the page was blocked on the basis of Art. 15.3 of the federal law "On Communications". According to it, the RKN can restrict access to resources that allegedly contain calls for mass riots and extremist activities, as well as disinformation disseminated under the guise of reliable messages.

According to Roskomsvoboda, at the beginning of May, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the RKN has restricted access to more than 3,000 websites. The mass blocking of Internet resources began even before the adoption of the law “on fakes” on March 4.

“Since the end of February, we have identified and removed more than 117,000 fakes about the essence of the conflict, the actions and losses of the armed forces, 38,000 calls for protests, blocked 1,177 resources with Ukrainian nationalist propaganda with a total audience of over 202 million users,” said 26 May head of the RKN Andrey Lipov.

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