Belarusians want to be banned from traveling abroad in case of a “threat to national security”

In Belarus, they want to ban citizens from traveling abroad in case of a "threat to national security." Such changes are proposed to be introduced into the law “On the Procedure for Exiting the Republic and Entry of Citizens of Belarus”, the government submitted the relevant bill to the Parliament on June 23.

It is assumed that the government will determine the procedure for the departure of civil servants from Belarus, and the KGB will be able to restrict citizens from leaving if it "contradicts the interests of the national security of the Republic of Belarus." The ban can be imposed for up to six months. If the law is adopted, travel will also be prohibited for those persons against whom proceedings are being conducted for administrative offenses “against the order of administration”. Previously, it was forbidden to leave only after a fine was imposed by the court until it was paid.

Employees of law enforcement agencies, military personnel, civilian personnel of military formations and paramilitary organizations, employees of the presidential security service will be able to leave the republic only upon agreement with the leadership. They have the right to refuse to leave the country in order to ensure the interests of national security until the termination of the circumstances preventing the exit. If they have a biometric passport, they will be required to transfer it to the personnel department of their organization.

In Belarus, the bill must be passed in two readings by the House of Representatives, then approved by the Council of the Republic. Then it is signed by Alexander Lukashenko, after which it receives the status of a law and is officially published on the National Legal Internet Portal. If signed, the ban on travel for employees of law enforcement agencies without permission will come into force in two months, other changes - immediately after publication.

In April, Alexander Lukashenko expressed his joy at the fact that there is a dictatorial regime in Belarus. He talked with the inhabitants of the republic and decided to tell them about the disadvantages of democracy. According to him, people from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia are not allowed to enter Belarus, but they want to visit the republic in order to “buy salt”. “And so that people do not say that Belarusians live normally, they simply do not let them out. That's the whole democracy... Well, thank God that we have a dictatorship. You all criticized me: dictatorship, dictatorship... But there is order!” he said.

American Daily Newspaper

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