Roskomnadzor (RKN), at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, blocked the website of Novaya Rasskazh-gazeta "for discrediting it." This was reported in the Telegram channel of the publication.
The blocking letter came to Novaya rasskaz-gazeta on the evening of July 23. As the journalists point out, they were not explained what the “discredit” was: “They demanded to block not a single text or texts, but the entire site at once. Obviously, all the same - for the way of thinking.
Novaya rasskaz-gazeta is a 96-page magazine that contains texts by more than 20 Novaya Gazeta authors, as well as those invited by an expert. It was launched on July 12, 2022 and thus lasted 7 days without blocking.
“Sunday morning in some places the site was still available. And somewhere there was a bashful inscription “Connection is not protected”. An amazing phrase, meaning that those who decide to block someone else's creativity are afraid to write the truth: “Forbidden by censorship,” ”the publication says.
Novaya Gazeta itself announced the suspension on March 28, after it received a second warning from Roskomnadzor for “mentioned an unlabeled NGO-foreign agent.” On March 29, Novaya, at the request of the RKN, removed materials about the war in Ukraine and its consequences from the site.