Production of “Gazprom” collapsed by 10%

The state-owned company Gazprom reported on the results of gas production and trade for six and a half months. The company's statistics are given in the message of the concern in Telegram.

During the reporting period, the production volume of the gas monopoly fell by 10.4% or 29.1 billion cubic meters of gas and amounted to 249.7 billion cubic meters. In parallel with the volume of production, the company's exports to non-CIS countries also collapsed, compared to last year, the drop was 33.1% or 35.6 billion cubic meters of gas. The volume of exports to non-CIS countries amounted to 71.9 billion cubic meters.

Based on the report, the only thing that has grown over the reporting period of the company is the volume of gas supplies through the Power of Siberia pipeline, but the company did not provide any figures. In the reporting period, domestic gas consumption also decreased, falling by 1.9% or 2.7 billion cubic meters.

The message of the state monopoly provides statistics on the filling of European gas storage facilities. As of July 13, they were filled with 36.9 billion cubic meters, which is slightly more than half of the required volume, the missing volume for the successful passage of the heating season, another 35.5 billion cubic meters of gas must be pumped into storage facilities. At the same time, some European companies, against the backdrop of the shutdown of the Nord Stream, were forced to start using gas from storage facilities in order to maintain the stability of the work of enterprises and households.

The war in Ukraine has sharply exacerbated the energy crisis in Europe - EU members are trying to reduce their dependence on energy resources from Russia, including gas. Despite the fact that there was no gas embargo at the pan-European level, some countries have already refused Russian supplies. Additional difficulties are associated with the shutdown of the Nord Stream gas pipeline for repairs and the reduction in gas supplies via other routes to Europe.

American Daily Newspaper

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