“Are you sure you want to enter our country?” Yulia Navalnaya was put under surveillance in Moldova

Yulia Navalnaya was interrogated at the entrance to Moldova, and then she was put under surveillance. She talked about it on her Instagram page.

According to Navalnaya, when she approached passport control at the border, she was escorted to a separate room and put on an iron chest. When asked why she was being detained, Navalny was told that this was a common procedure for those entering the country for the first time. Then, at the request, she told that she had a place to stay and that there was a return ticket available. However, they did not let her go, did not give her her passport, closing the door in front of her.

“The border guard began to joyfully photograph every page of my passport on his phone (I hope he won’t take a loan for me now). After my indignation, the passport was returned to me with the question: Are you sure you want to enter our country?”

The next day, Yulia found that a “guy with a purse” was standing at the exit of the hotel and talking on the phone. When she went to work, she found that he was following her. Navalnaya concluded that she liked it in Chisinau: “I felt at home, in Moscow, I visited: they didn’t let them through at the border, they set up outdoor advertising.” In conclusion, she asked Moldovan President Maia Sandu why they should follow her.

In mid-June, Navalny announced that he had been transferred to Vladimir IK-6 with a strict regime. A letter was published on Navalny's social networks, in which the oppositionist says that he is now quarantined in IK-6 Melehovo and describes what he saw in the colony. His daughter Daria Navalnaya, in an interview with CNN, said that in the strict regime colony in Melehovo, her father is completely deprived of communication and the opportunity to receive information.

On December 14, 2020, The Insider and Belingcat, together with the FBK, published an investigation in which they named the names of the FSB officers who took part in the poisoning of Alexei Navalny with the Novichok substance, which the OPCW recognized as a military toxin. Two days later, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the investigation into the attempted assassination of Navalny with the names of current FSB officers "fun reading." Later, Vladimir Putin de facto validated the results of the investigation by The Insider and Bellingcat when he did not deny that the FSB officers mentioned in the article were near Navalny on those very dates.

Also published were the confessions of Konstantin Kudryavtsev, who spoke with Alexei Navalny (thinking that he was talking to Patrushev's assistant) and told many details of the assassination attempt. Among other things, he explained that Navalny's life was saved by the actions of the pilots and atropine injected by the ambulance, and also specified that the poison was applied to his underpants, and the transport police helped the FSB officers to clean up the traces.

American Daily Newspaper

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