Against Yuri Shevchuk, the case was resumed for “discrediting the army”

The Dzerzhinsky Court of St. Petersburg again registered an administrative case on "discrediting the Russian army" against the leader of the DDT group, Yuri Shevchuk. This was reported by the press service of the courts of St. Petersburg in its Telegram channel.

Press officer Daria Lebedeva also quoted lines from Shevchuk's song "Happy Day" in a report on the administrative case:

"All that came true
What I dreamed about.
Happy day!
My best day has come!

On May 18, during a concert in Ufa, Shevchuk addressed the audience with the following words: “Motherland, friends, this is not the president’s ass, which must be procrastinated and kissed all the time. Motherland is a beggar grandmother at the station selling potatoes. This is the motherland." Then he added: “I wrote the first song after Chechnya. It's called "Love". Do you know why? Because I couldn't write anything else. And “Love”, this song, saved me. And now we will sing it to you. Thanks!"

After the performance, the security forces came backstage and did not let Shevchuk go for two hours. As a result of the conversation, a protocol was drawn up against the musician under Part 1 of Art. 20.3.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - on discrediting the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Shevchuk himself commented on the incident with the words: “Come on, why are you soaring?! The concert was wonderful. But situations are different."

Subsequently, the musician's case was returned to the police to eliminate the shortcomings. They consisted in the fact that “the protocol does not describe the event of the offense, there is no indication of what exactly public calls were expressed to prevent the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens. This shortcoming is significant and cannot be compensated for when the case is considered in court.”

After the incident, the DDT concert, which was supposed to take place in Moscow on June 10, was postponed for a year. Recently, it also became known about the postponement of another concert in Orenburg - from autumn 2022 to February 2023. Also from the site of the Voronezh rock festival "Chernozem", which will be held in August this year, information about the group's performance has disappeared.

American Daily Newspaper

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