Visitors to the Vkusno i Tochka restaurant chain, which is trying to replace McDonald's that left Russia, were banned from taking pictures and charging smartphones in establishments. This was reported to Podyom by the Russians, who were asked to familiarize themselves with the new rules at the institution on Bolshaya Ordynka, the ban was also confirmed by the company's press secretary.
The document, which was reviewed by the publication, states that it is forbidden to charge devices from outlets in restaurants. Visitors claim that they always charged their gadgets at McDonald's. In addition, according to the interlocutors, they were forbidden to take photos and videos on Bolshaya Ordynka.

According to the press secretary of Vkusno i Tochka, this ban really exists, she explained it with “internal rules of enterprises” and “safety measures”. The network has introduced rules to prevent people from taking pictures of other visitors. Restaurant staff will not prohibit taking photos or videos at the tables, however, if other visitors complain, the administration will be able to "take action in accordance with the rules." What kind of measures, the representative did not specify. A ban was also introduced to prevent anyone from renting industrial premises without permission.
Earlier, the executive director of the Union of Potato and Vegetable Market Participants (Potato Union), Alexei Krasilnikov , told The Insider that the lack of french fries, as well as rustic potatoes in Vkusno i Tochka restaurants, may be due to the fact that the new owners were unable to build logistics and negotiate with market participants to provide their enterprises with raw materials. Earlier, the company told RBC that the last year in Russia was “bad”, but Krasilnikov is sure that this is not the only thing. Last year, the harvest was indeed smaller, but it was enough for processing.