The State Duma ranked doctors and civilians participating in the war in Ukraine as combat veterans

State Duma deputies adopted in the third reading amendments to the law "On Veterans", according to which civilians "ensuring the fulfillment of tasks" in the course of Russia's special operation in Ukraine from February 24, 2022, will receive the status of combat veterans.

Before the adoption of the law, civilians could receive the status of a veteran only if they were wounded or presented for a state award, said State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

To obtain the status of a veteran to military officers and other civilians, 1 day of business trip will be enough, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the statement of the first deputy head of the defense committee Andrei Krasov.

Combat veterans are entitled to benefits with housing or payment of part of the cost of rent, provision of prostheses (except for teeth), use of annual leave at a convenient time for them.

American Daily Newspaper

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