They want to force business to carry out orders for the army and special services day and night during the war

The government proposes to allow businesses to be forced to obtain state orders in the interests of the army and special services to conduct "counter-terrorist and other operations" outside of Russia. Such a bill was submitted to the State Duma and signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. As of July 1, he was sent to the Duma Defense Committee.

The explanatory note states that under the conditions of a “special military operation” in the territories of the “LPR” and Ukraine, there is an increased need for the repair of weapons, military equipment and logistics.

In addition, the text mentions the impact of anti-Russian sanctions. In view of this, it is proposed to give the government the authority to make decisions on the introduction of special measures in the economic sphere. If the bill is passed, the government will also be able to attract employees to work at night, weekends and non-working holidays.

Special measures in the economic sphere, which are proposed to be introduced, provide for the purchase by legal entities from a single supplier of products necessary to fulfill the state defense order. At the same time, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense, the FSB and the Russian Guard will be able to offer to increase or decrease the amount of goods, the amount of work or services. In addition, a business will not be able to refuse to participate in such orders "regardless of its legal form."

Earlier, the Ministry of Finance announced tax changes amid a collapse in budget revenues due to sanctions and restrictions caused by the war against Ukraine. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov announced a possible reform of Russia's tax architecture. He announces reform of the tax system at a time when the Russian budget is suffering from a sharp drop in tax revenues. So far, the budget has been kept from a collapse in revenues by oil and gas revenues, which, against the backdrop of record prices, are kept at acceptable levels, but even against such a background, the Ministry of Finance expects to end the year with a deficit of 1.665 trillion rubles instead of a surplus of 1.327 trillion rubles. Budget revenues, according to forecasts of the Ministry of Finance, will not be enough for four years in a row.

American Daily Newspaper

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