Russian troops completely captured Severodonetsk – the mayor of the city Alexander Stryuk

Russian troops completely occupied Severodonetsk. This was announced by the mayor of the city Alexander Stryuk on the air of the TV channel "1 + 1".

“The city is completely under the occupation of the Russian Federation. They are trying to establish their own order there, they have appointed their own commandant, who is collecting some kind of asset there. The city is so destroyed that it will be difficult for people to cope with this situation. Let's hope that the city will return under the control of Ukraine as soon as possible," Stryuk said.

According to him, it is possible to leave the city only to territories controlled by Russian troops. He added that civilians were leaving the territory of the Azot plant. Some of them spent more than three months there. According to Struk, they need psychological help, but "the Russians, taking advantage of their condition, began to shoot propaganda stories."

Earlier, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that all civilians hiding on the territory of Azot were withdrawn from the enterprise.

American Daily Newspaper

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