Patrushev instructed the security forces to more effectively stop the incitement of protests by “unfriendly countries”

Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, during a visit to Kaliningrad, instructed the security forces to more effectively stop the activities of "unfriendly countries" that allegedly foment protests in Russia. He is quoted by TASS .

“Law enforcement and security agencies need to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of suppressing the activities of unfriendly countries aimed at stimulating negative social processes in Russian society, protest moods, and exacerbating interethnic and interfaith conflicts.”

According to him, law enforcement officers have already stopped the “destructive activities of foreign non-governmental organizations and Russian non-profit organizations controlled by them,” which allegedly promoted the idea of ​​“German autonomy” in the Kaliningrad region and collected data “to inspire discontent among Russians.”

On June 17, the Levada Center published the results of a study of protest moods in Russia. The share of Russians willing to participate in economic protests fell from 23% (in February) to 14% in May.

Patrushev arrived in the Kaliningrad region to participate in a meeting on national security issues, which was convened after the decision of Lithuania to stop the transit of sanctioned goods to the region. He said that Russia would soon respond to the actions of the republic, the consequences of the response "will have a serious negative impact on the population of Lithuania." On the night of June 17-18, Lithuanian Railways stopped the transit of products to Kaliningrad that fell under Western sanctions.

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