A message appeared on the website of the pro-Kremlin publication Moskovsky Komsomolets, which said that the Ukrainian paramedic Taira (Yulia Paevskaya) was “captured by the invaders.” A little later, the message was edited: not only was the word “occupiers” removed from there, but Taira was also called an “ardent nationalist.”

This message was published on June 17 at 23:10 Moscow time online dedicated to the war of Russia against Ukraine. On June 19, the publication apologized on its Telegram channel. "MK" called the mistake "a gross miscalculation" and said that "the perpetrators were punished in the strictest way, up to and including dismissal." As of June 19, the entire online page is not available on the publication's website, despite the fact that it is displayed in the search.
This is not the first anti-war sabotage in the Russian propaganda media. In mid-March, the editor of Channel One, Marina Ovsyannikova, burst into the air of the Vremya program and unfurled an anti-war poster behind TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva with the call: “Stop the war, do not believe the propaganda, they are lying to you here.” On May 9, Victory Day, Lenta.ru journalists Yegor Polyakov and Alexandra Miroshnikova published materials on Russia's war crimes in Ukraine on the publication's website.