Putin approved the Concept of Russia’s Humanitarian Policy Abroad. It talks about “traditional values”, culture and the Russian language

Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the Concept of Russia's Humanitarian Policy Abroad. The corresponding Decree is published on the official portal of legal information.

The 30-page document states that the concept was created "in order to define the tasks and main directions of the Russian Federation's humanitarian policy abroad." According to the authors of the concept, despite the "complicated historical path of Russia", culture has always united the people.

It follows from the text that it is necessary to promote the expansion of Russia's cultural presence in Central and Eastern Europe. The authors also decided to warn about the threat to the identity of cultures due to "globalization processes". In addition, the text states that the implementation of the concept should take into account "an increase in the number of attempts to belittle the significance of Russian culture and Russian humanitarian projects."

The document also lists national interests.

While Russia is waging war in Ukraine, it turned out to be important for the country to “promote traditional values”.

Russia needs to actively stop attempts to rewrite the history of the Second World War and downplay the role of the Soviet people in the Great Victory, follows from the text.

Among other things, the concept contains statements that Russian athletes should not be discriminated against because of politics; it is necessary to promote the best domestic films to foreign markets, as well as to promote the Russian language as the language of international communication abroad. Separately, the text emphasizes the role of media abroad and the need to increase the presence of Russian media on the Internet.

There is also a separate page dedicated to cooperation with China and the need to take cooperation with India to a new level. The authors also mentioned the priority of interaction with Abkhazia, South Ossetia, the so-called DPR and LPR.

The last 117th paragraph of the decree states that this concept serves as the basis for the development of federal targeted programs and programs in the field of international cooperation aimed at strengthening Russia's international authority and forming an objective perception of the country abroad.

On September 1, the Day of Knowledge, Putin held an open lesson in Kaliningrad called "Talk about the Important" for the winners of olympiads and competitions in culture, art, science and sports. At a lesson for schoolchildren, Putin said that some accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine, but everything allegedly is different. The mission of the Russian soldiers and “Donbass militias”, according to Putin, is to end the war and protect the people and Russia.


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