More than half of Russians believe that the war in Ukraine has dragged on, according to a survey by the Russian Field sociological service. At the same time, 60% of respondents would support Vladimir Putin's decision to launch a "new offensive against Kyiv", but almost the same number - 65% - would approve Putin's decision to stop the war and sign a peace agreement.
According to the survey, two-thirds of the men surveyed (62%) are not ready to personally take part in hostilities in Ukraine, which is six percentage points higher than in May. 29% of the respondents expressed their desire to participate in the war.
There are few people willing to help the Russian army financially: 67% of the respondents are not ready to donate money for the war, and 12% agree to spend no more than one thousand rubles a month on this.
In April, sociologist Sergei Erofeev explained specifically for The Insider why it is worth approaching the assessment of such surveys critically.