Russia left the occupied Severodonetsk without doctors. Volunteers of the Russian Orthodox Church are looking for a free resuscitator

The occupation of Severodonetsk by Russian troops turned into a humanitarian catastrophe for the city. Volunteers from the Russian Federation who work in the structures of the Russian Orthodox Church report this in their chats. According to them, 75% of the buildings in the city were destroyed, including the hospital building. There are almost no doctors left, many have left or died, only one ambulance is working, but there are many victims who, after the capture of the city, have no one to treat.

It is difficult to evacuate and transport patients, so you have to operate on the spot. This requires an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, but neither Russia nor the authorities of the so-called LPR, which control the city, are engaged in the search for specialists and the restoration of medicine. Therefore, volunteers from the Russian Orthodox Church are looking for a specialist. They do not plan to pay the doctor's salary.

Neither Russia nor the "LPR" are looking for doctors for the captured Severodonetsk

An announcement about the search for a resuscitator appeared in the chat rooms of Russian Orthodox volunteers. They work in the Donbass, as well as with Ukrainian refugees who ended up in Russia. It is clarified that the doctor must go to the war zone on a voluntary basis. This is not a job, but, in the language of the church, "service". The salary for it is usually not provided, although the risks are very high - in March, one of the ambulance teams was shot , two people died, a driver and a nurse, who were in the car at the time of the shelling. At the end of June, three volunteers died.

“Brothers and sisters, I am addressing you as an eyewitness to the events taking place in Donbas,” the announcement reads. - At present, as a result of hostilities in the city of Severodonetsk, a difficult situation has developed, a humanitarian catastrophe. There is no stable water supply, no electricity, 75% of the buildings are destroyed, most of the city's buildings are in disrepair and are not suitable for life or completely destroyed. The appeal was signed by the doctor of the hospital of St. Alexis of the Moscow Patriarchate M. V. Yurasov.

Those wishing to become a volunteer resuscitator are invited to fill out a questionnaire: indicate in it personal data, education, certificate, work experience. Candidates are warned that all negotiations will be conducted only in the Telegram messenger, so it will have to be installed.

The fighting for Severodonetsk began on March 5, and at the end of June the city came under the control of Russia and the so-called LPR groups. The fact that the hospital became a target for Russian shelling was repeatedly reported in the Ukrainian media. The blows were delivered when there were patients and medical staff in the building. The medical camp's vehicle fleet and generators that supplied electricity to operating rooms were also destroyed.

In disrepair and the main building of the city hospital, according to the appeal. It is unsuitable for providing medical care, but it is still provided there, because there are no other places. Only one laboratory assistant, two traumatologists, an internist, a cardiologist and a hematologist remained from the staff.

As it became known to The Insider, a field hospital was deployed on the basis of a relatively preserved polyclinic building. These are 35–40 beds without a profile division. Residents, the elderly and children who remain in the city receive help here. The functioning of the hospital is carried out due to the work of electric generators. Volunteers claim that the minimum set of equipment is completely ready for work, including ventilators. The laboratory, operating room, X-ray room, administrative and economic part have been restored.

American Daily Newspaper

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