Belarusian activist Dashkevich was sentenced to 1.5 years in prison for participating in the protests. His wife – 3 years of “home chemistry”

The Moscow District Court of Minsk ruled in the case of the Dashkevichs. For participating in the protests after the 2020 presidential elections, the former head of the Belarusian opposition movement Young Front Dmitry was sentenced to 1.5 years in prison, and his wife Anastasia to 3 years of “home chemistry”. This was announced by the Belarusian human rights center "Spring" in its Telegram channel.

The Dashkeviches were sentenced to terms for participating in a protest action on August 23, 2020 in Minsk under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code of Belarus (Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them).

At the same time, the prosecutor asked for 1.5 years for both spouses, but the judge took into account the fact that Anastasia gave birth to her fourth child a month ago and sentenced her to 3 years of “home chemistry”.

“Home chemistry” in Belarus is understood as “restriction of freedom without being sent to a correctional institution”: the convict remains at large, but subject to a number of conditions, for example, he must report to the police station and stay at home at certain hours.

On March 23, the couple's apartment was searched, after which they were detained. As a result, Anastasia was released, and Dmitry was given 15 days under an administrative article. Later, a criminal case was opened against him for participating in the 2020 protests, and his wife was declared a suspect in the same case. During the trial, the couple admitted only that they were on the march on August 23, 2020.

Dmitry Dashkevich is a Belarusian activist who led the Belarusian democratic movement Young Front from 2004-2015. Since 1999, he has been persecuted by the authorities for his opposition activities, for which he has been repeatedly brought to administrative and criminal liability. In 2006, he received 1.5 years in prison under Art. 193-1 of the Criminal Code (activities on behalf of an unregistered organization). In 2011, the oppositionist was sentenced to 2 years under Art. 339 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism).

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