The operational headquarters in Moscow again recommended the use of masks in closed crowded areas

The operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus in Moscow again recommended that residents of the city use masks indoors. Over the past week, 57% more cases of the disease were detected in Moscow than the week before (we are talking about 599 officially detected cases).

At the same time, the authorities say that Moscow has the lowest incidence rate in the history of the pandemic, and "today it remains lower than in Europe."

The Department of Health attributed the increase in the number of cases to the spread of sub-variants of the Omicron strain - BA.4 and BA.5.

Moscow authorities also urged residents to get vaccinated or revaccinated against the coronavirus.

On July 11, the Moscow authorities refused to lift the ban on public demonstrations imposed in connection with the pandemic. A statement from the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption said that Moscow was still on a "high alert regime" that would be lifted when the WHO announced the end of the pandemic. (At the same time, in May, State Duma Vice Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy stated that in the near future Russia would have to leave the WHO and the WTO , as well as “other agreements that bring harm, not benefit”).

On July 1, Rospotrebnadzor lifted all restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, regional bans continue to apply.

American Daily Newspaper

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