Criticizing Kadyrov, the “Adat People’s Movement” was recognized as extremist. Its creator is the son of the former Chechen judge Yangulbaev

The Ministry of Justice of Russia has entered the Adat People's Movement, which criticizes the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov in its 1ADAT Telegram channel, into the register of extremist organizations. This is stated on the website of the department.

This decision was made in May by the Supreme Court of Chechnya, it became the 92nd in the list.

"Adat" in the Telegram channel criticizes the Chechen authorities and Kadyrov. Local activists have repeatedly reported kidnappings and torture due to suspicions in connection with the movement. So, in 2021, Abubakar Yangulbaev, an employee of the Committee against Torture, the son of the former Chechen judge Saydi Yangulbaev, said that the “Kadyrovites kidnapped” about forty of his relatives living in the Chechen village of Goity and in Grozny. He suggested that he was suspected of involvement in "Adat". This year, his brother Ibragim Yangulbaev admitted that he was one of the founders of the 1ADAT channel, and in March he was added to the list of terrorists and extremists.

On January 20, in Nizhny Novgorod, Chechen police broke into the apartment of Saidi Yangulbaev, a former judge of the Supreme Court of Chechnya. The security forces could not kidnap him himself, since he has a judicial immunity status, but they took away his wife Zarema Musaeva. The pretext for the abduction was that she was allegedly a witness in a fraud case in Grozny, where they were going to take her by force.

During the arrest, Zarema Musaeva lost consciousness, and the Chechen police officers dragged her out of the apartment. She suffers from type 2 diabetes and needs insulin injections 5 times a day. The security forces did not allow Musayeva to take warm clothes, medicines and even her passport with her. Relatives feared that Musaeva might die on the way to Chechnya. The police and FSB officers of Nizhny Novgorod did not respond in any way to the requests of Musayeva's relatives for help and to the allegations of abduction. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov has repeatedly stated that the Kremlin does not consider it necessary to deal with complaints about Kadyrov's threats, and promises of death are the "personal opinion" of the head of Chechnya.

Threats against the Yangulbaev family were made by the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. He called the family "accomplices of terrorists" and called on them to detain, and in case of resistance - to "destroy". Kadyrov also wrote : “Be that as it may, I declare that this family is waiting for a place either in prison or underground. And it doesn't depend on me." Following Kadyrov, State Duma deputy from Chechnya Adam Delimkhanov promised live on Instagram to cut off the heads of members of the family of judge Saidi Yangulbaev.

American Daily Newspaper

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