RBC: United Russia removed about 15 million people from the base of supporters, including those who liked Navalny

The United Russia party has purged the mobilization base of its supporters. About 15 million people were removed from it. RBC writes about this, citing sources in the party.

Earlier, the publication reported that party members analyzed the state of their party base and came to the conclusion that more than half of the people in it were not loyal to the party, or their data was outdated. According to Kommersant, only about 40% of those who are loyal to United Russia were in the database.

According to a RBC source, those whose data caused at least some doubts were removed from the database. In addition, members of the list were tested for loyalty using a special program that studies social networks. If she saw that one of the United Russia members liked, for example, the founder of FBK Alexei Navalny, these people were removed from the database.

In addition, the parties introduced KPI to attract supporters. By the end of the year, single-mandate deputies of the State Duma must attract 1,500 people each, and those who passed through the lists - 500 people. Deputies of legislative assemblies elected by districts - 500 people, lists - 300. Each single-mandate member from the City Duma must attract 150 supporters, the list - 50.

The exception is United Russia, who regularly visit the "LDNR" and other occupied territories of Ukraine: Kherson, Zaporozhye and Kharkiv regions. According to RBC's source, they are "strictly not asked."


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