Suicidal, uneducated, unemployed, shaved bald, LGBT. Senator Isakov publicly renounced his daughter who opposed the war

Federation Council Senator Eduard Isakov commented on an interview with his daughter, 25-year-old Diana, who spoke out against the war and also took part in anti-war protests. He stated that he had not raised her since the age of three, and now he completely stopped communicating with her and providing for her, since she "sold her father, family, homeland and left Russia." Diana herself in an interview said that Isakov paid alimony, but they did not have close communication.

“Friends, today my phone is torn. The media, recognized as foreign agents, published an interview with my eldest daughter from my first marriage, Diana. She expresses her position against the conduct of a special military operation, against the policy of her country. Apparently, she received money from these media, in other words, she sold her father, family, Motherland, and left Russia. It's hard to find words when your daughter turns out to be a traitor.

In April, Diana took part in an action against the SVO. When I found out about this, I tried to explain to her the need for a NWO, offered to visit the places of military glory of the Soviet people, read about the history of my country. He offered to go to the Donbass as a volunteer, to help people who had been living in a state of war for eight years, and to learn firsthand the causes of SVO.

But, unfortunately, my daughter only wants to hype on such a serious topic, so she turned to the media, talking about her position, not forgetting to mention that she is the daughter of a senator.

It so happened that I have not raised Diana since the age of three. Now she is 25 years old. She is registered in a psycho-neurological dispensary in the city of Yugorsk, where she comes from, in connection with suicide attempts. It is difficult to communicate with her.

For three years she said that she was a representative of the LGBT, she cut her head baldly, dressed like a boy, then she began dating a man and decided that she was still a girl. Diana has no education, she finished school and did not want to study further. She did not work a day, she asked me for money for her maintenance.

From the moment I found out that she had an anti-Russian position, we do not communicate, I do not provide for her, I do not provide housing. I thought that I would go to work, start my adult life, think like an adult. And she decided to make money by selling her interview, introducing herself as the daughter of a senator.

American Daily Newspaper

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