The resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, the Saratov company NPO RainbovSoft, together with NPO Intellect (both owned by entrepreneur Anatoly Ryabov, who also owns Assistance to Law Enforcement Agencies LLC), has introduced a replacement for the popular British-made single-board computer Raspberry Pi - Repka Pi. This was written by the Russian media.

According to the press service of the fund, the novelty is equipped with its own operating system with a package of necessary programs.
“Repka Pi, like its well-known counterpart Raspberry Pi 3 from the UK, is designed for a wide range of tasks, primarily as a platform for teaching IT specialties. A computer can also be used to interact via industrial interfaces with various devices, as an embedded system for collecting data, controlling, transmitting information, ”the message says, cited by TASS.
The manufacturer notes that although the dimensions, main interfaces and appearance are identical to the Raspberry Pi 3, the Russian Repka Pi shows 15-20% better performance, the element base is built on components from Russia and China.
Users of identified its Chinese twin brother in the domestic single-platter. According to the reference board, which is presented on the developer's website, this is an exact copy of the Nano Pi K1 Plus, which has been on sale since 2018. And the basis of the domestic Raspberry Pi 3 is the Chinese Allwinner H5 processor. You can buy it on AliExpress.

In addition, there are a lot of errors in the board reference: "Enternet port", "Cuad-Core" ("Quad-Core") or "Flesh" instead of "Flash".
The identity of the Chinese counterpart was confirmed in an interview with The Insider by an engineer, a chip designer in the aerospace industry.
“A copy of the Chinese board. Typical labeling. Apparently, there is nothing of their own there," he said.