Chubais discharged from Italian hospital – La Repubblica

Anatoly Chubais, ex-Russian presidential envoy for sustainable development, has been discharged from an Italian hospital. This is reported by the newspaper La Repubblica. He was treated in the clinics of the city of Olbia in Sardinia.

The publication notes that doctors are sure that Chubais suffered Guillain-Barré syndrome. However, the results of the toxicological analysis are not yet available. After being discharged, he went to Frankfurt am Main, where Chubais will undergo rehabilitation, writes La Repubblica.

The hospitalization of Chubais became known on July 31 from a message by Ksenia Sobchak. Soon, according to her, Chubais's condition worsened , his legs and arms began to work poorly, partial facial paralysis set in, and his eye stopped closing.

The room where he was when he felt unwell was examined by experts in chemical protection suits, witnesses were interviewed by the police. Telegram channels have suggested poisoning, but Italian doctors note that the body reacts to the pain from Guillain-Barré.

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