Director of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Novosibirsk arrested in treason case

Director of the Novosibirsk Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Shiplyuk was arrested. He is on trial for treason, Kommersant reports .

Judging by the biography on the institute's website, Shiplyuk is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a specialist in the field of high-speed aerogasdynamics and experimental methods for studying gas flows.

The laboratory, run by Shiplyuk, researches hypersonic technologies. Under his leadership, research is being carried out aimed at creating promising hypersonic missile systems.

On the eve of the media, citing a source, they reported that searches had been carried out at the institute. According to Rodnye Bereg, the investigative actions could be related to the criminal case of Anatoly Maslov, 75, the chief researcher of the institute, who was placed in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center in Moscow on charges of treason. Maslov is a specialist in the field of viscous gas dynamics.

Earlier, the staff of the institute came out in support of Anatoly Maslov.

“Currently, the persecution of scientists involved in aviation science is systemic in the country. This is already leading to an unprecedented outflow of young scientists from this area, as well as a decrease in the motivation for performing scientific research, ”the scientists said in their appeal.

On June 30, a court in Novosibirsk arrested the 54-year-old head of the laboratory of quantum optical technologies at the Institute of Laser Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dmitry Kolker, in a treason case, despite the fact that he had the fourth stage of pancreatic cancer. A few days later he died.

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