The Verkhovna Rada permitted a deferment from conscription during mobilization to researchers and relatives of those who died in the war

The Verkhovna Rada allowed a deferment from conscription during mobilization to researchers and people who lost close relatives in the war. The relevant bills were adopted at a meeting on July 29.

The deferment will be granted to scientific, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers without a scientific degree, who work in scientific or educational institutions at their main place of work for at least 0.75 of the rate. Also, those who lost their spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, grandfather or grandmother in the war, and those whose relatives are missing, will also be released from the draft.

General mobilization in Ukraine was announced on February 24, the first day of the war. On May 22, it was extended for three months, until August 23. Men aged 18–60 are subject to conscription; they can leave Ukraine only in exceptional cases.

American Daily Newspaper

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