Former top manager of the Central Bank Dmitry Rubinov was put on the international wanted list in the case of extortion and kidnapping – Kommersant

Former top manager of the Central Bank Dmitry Rubinov was put on the international wanted list. Writes about this "Kommersant".

Rubinov is accused of organizing extortion (Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and kidnapping (Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) of three people, one of whom is a two-year-old child. As Kommersant writes, this is directly related to the case of seized assets withdrawn from Taatta Bank. The investigation believes that its ultimate beneficiary is Rubanov.

In 2018, Reaktiv LLC bought out loan debts from Taatta for 2.5 billion rubles. This amount was allegedly paid in cash to the cash desk of the bank's Moscow branch, but it turned out that this did not happen. At the same time, 5 billion rubles disappeared from the Taatta cash register. In total, he owed depositors more than 6 billion rubles. According to the investigation, all these machinations could be carried out in the interests of Rubinov.

In 2020, Reaktiv returned the money to the bankruptcy estate of the bankrupt Taatta. Shortly before this, the general director of Reaktiv, having learned about the debt that had fallen on him, sold his shares in the authorized capital of the company to a certain Maxim Pivovarov. After that, according to the investigation, Rubinov organized a criminal group to return them.

Some time after the purchase of assets, Pivovarov was approached on the street by several people who introduced themselves as policemen. They stated that he should transfer 100% of the shares of Reaktiv to the person they indicated. Pivovarov agreed to fulfill their conditions, but the "policemen" took his wife and two-year-old daughter hostage.

The police managed to catch the kidnappers, but they said they did not know what role Rubinov played in the kidnapping. As Kommersant writes, two direct curators of the kidnapping, who communicated with him, managed to escape and are now in Turkey.

Earlier, Rubinov was accused of withdrawing billions from the Central Insurance Society (CSO). He does not appear among its official owners, however, according to the investigation, he is his ultimate beneficiary.

American Daily Newspaper

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