A draft law on the ban on “propaganda of non-traditional relations” was submitted to the State Duma

Deputies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and A Just Russia party submitted a bill to the State Duma prohibiting the promotion of non-traditional relationships and the denial of family values. The document was published in the Duma electronic database.

The explanatory note states that it is necessary to establish measures aimed at ensuring the intellectual, moral and mental security of society, including in the form of a ban on actions aimed at popularizing the denial of family values ​​and non-traditional sexual relations.

“The denial of the family as a social value, the promotion of the so-called “childfree” lifestyle (without children) and the popularization of non-traditional sexual relations are no less dangerous for the development of Russian society. Propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations has become widespread in modern Russia, it is carried out both through the media and through the active holding of public events, online film screenings and the demonstration of such relationships in the cinema, representing such deviant behavior as the norm.

The deputies also believe that public approval and recognition of "such relationships" is dangerous not only for children and youth, but for the whole society. The text notes that the propaganda ban does not deprive citizens of the opportunity and right to determine their sexual preference and orientation and does not allow them to be discriminated against, but “does not give the right to publicly endorse such relationships and disseminate so-called ‘new’ values.”

The bill also includes a direct ban on issuing licenses to movie theaters for films that promote the denial of family values ​​and non-traditional sexual relations. The dissemination of the same information in the media is prohibited.

Earlier, the State Duma Committee on Information Policy proposed to ban "propaganda of non-traditional relations" in Russia, regardless of age. Deputy Alexander Khinshtein stated that the law would be considered in the fall. It assumes administrative responsibility for "propaganda" regardless of the age of the audience (offline, media, Internet, social networks, as well as online cinemas). In addition, the law prohibits the dissemination to children of any information that demonstrates "non-traditional sexual relations." Now responsibility is provided only for the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors.

American Daily Newspaper

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