“The W Orchestra is waiting for you.” In Yekaterinburg hung banners advertising PMC Wagner

In Yekaterinburg, banners were hung with an advertisement for the Wagner PMC, which is also called the "Wagner Orchestra". A photo of a poster on Blucher Street was published in his Telegram channel "ZERGULIO" by blogger-propagandist from Yekaterinburg Sergey Kolyasnikov.

According to the Whois service, wagner2022.org was registered this spring in South Holland, a province in the west of the Netherlands. According to the 66.ru portal, there are similar billboards in the city at Uralmash and on the Perm tract.

The website of the PMC posted an announcement about the recruitment of the military in Ukraine.

“PMC Wagner is already in Ukraine and winning again. Do you want to inscribe your name in the history of military glory, but do not want to fight bureaucracy and checks? Then there is good news for you – the orchestra needs musicians in Ukraine!”

In May, a photo of PMC fighters against the backdrop of the seized building of the Severodonetsk administration was published on Telegram channels. On the frame with musical instruments, which the fighters allegedly stole from the Severodonetsk music school, they placed the inscription “Wagner Orchestra”.

At the same time, on July 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that strengthens the responsibility for mercenarism. Recruitment, training, financing or other material support of a mercenary, his use in an armed conflict or military operations is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 12 to 18 years. Previously, the punishment provided for from four to eight years in prison.

In July, "Important stories" wrote that the prisoners of the colonies of St. Petersburg were promised freedom and 200 thousand rubles for six months if they agreed to go to fight in the Donbass and remain alive after that. As reported by relatives of prisoners serving sentences in IK-7 Yablonevka and IK-6 Obukhovo, PMC Wagner recruits people: no one hides this, “the foremen talk about it directly.”

PMC Wagner is sponsored by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a recidivist criminal convicted of theft, fraud and involvement of minors in criminal activities. Prigozhin's mercenaries are involved in many operations abroad, in many cases (such as the invasion of Ukraine) under the direct command of the GRU. He earned the nickname "Putin's chef" because he organizes Kremlin dinners. He also owns the largest troll factory.

American Daily Newspaper

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