EU may lift sanctions on some Russians – Al Arabiya

The European Union is considering lifting sanctions on some Russians. Al Arabiya writes about this, citing sources.

According to the publication, EU lawyers concluded that the grounds for imposing the sanction were "weak". Al Arabiya writes that about 30 people have filed a lawsuit against the EU with a request to remove them from the sanctions lists. About 10 more people made a similar request directly to the EU. According to the legal service of the European Council, some of these complaints were justified.

Among those who tried to get out of the sanctions list are the founder of the Siberian Coal Energy Company Andrei Melnichenko and his wife Alexandra, the CEO of Severstal Alexei Mordashov, as well as one of the richest people in Russia, the founder of USM Holdings Alisher Usmanov.

In early June, the EU adopted the sixth package of sanctions against Russia. One of its parts is personal sanctions imposed on Russians who, in one way or another, support the war against Ukraine. Among them are the founder of Yandex Arkady Volozh, the head of the board of directors of the National Media Group Alina Kabaeva, the wife of the Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov Tatyana Navka, their children Nikolai and Lisa, the son of "Putin's chef" Evgeny Prigozhin Pavel, the head of Roskomnadzor Andrey Lipov and Russian businessman Eduard Khudainatov, who, according to documents, is the official owner of Putin's yacht "Scheherazade" and the yacht of Russian billionaire Suleiman Kerimov Amadea.

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