The owner of the Speedtest service was fined one million rubles for refusing to localize the data of Russians

The World Court of the Tagansky District of Moscow fined Ookla 1 million rubles for refusing to localize the data of Russians in Russia. Interfax writes about this with reference to a correspondent from the courtroom.

Updated at 15:00 (Moscow time): a court in Moscow also fined Zoom 1 million rubles for refusing to localize Russian users' data.

Ookla is the creator and owner of the Speedtest Intelligence service, which analyzes Internet speed and connection latency. Representatives of the company asked the court to stop the proceedings on the administrative case due to the absence of corpus delicti.

According to Russian law, foreign companies who fail to comply with the requirements for localizing databases in Russia face a fine of 1 to 6 million rubles. In the event of a repeated violation, the amount increases to 6-18 million rubles.

So, Google, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp have already been fined for refusing to localize the data of Russians.

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