Taygi.info co-founder Alexander Bayanov left the project and left Russia

The founder of the Novosibirsk edition "Taiga.info" Alexander Bayanov left the project. He spoke about this in a private post on Facebook, Siberia.Realii writes .

Bayanov also said that he left Russia and no longer holds any positions in the media. He thanked all the former editors-in-chief and some current employees of Taiga and announced that "the project is destroyed and destroyed."

“Taiga.info continues to work on. The departure of the now former co-founder will not affect the work of the editorial office in any way. Alexander Bayanov made his personal choice when he left, but he had nothing to do with the operational management of Taiga.info. We also continue to appeal through the courts what we believe to be illegal blocking,” said Viktor Chistyakov, head and co-founder of the publication, in a conversation with Sibir.Realii.

On March 1, Taiga.info received a notification from the RKN that one of its online sites about Russia's war against Ukraine was included in the register of banned sites. Despite the fact that it was a single reference, access was blocked to the entire publication. Taiga.info removed the required material, notified the RKN about it, but did not receive a response. On March 9, the entire website of the publication was entered into the register of “prohibited” without notifying the editors, allegedly at the request of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

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