LEGO stops its work in Russia – Inc

The Danish manufacturer of constructors LEGO ceases commercial activities in Russia. Inc writes about it. with reference to the employees of the company and the CEO of the Russian division of LEGO Evgeny Chikhachev.

“Given the ongoing significant disruption to the operating environment, we have made the decision to cease our business activities in Russia indefinitely. This includes the termination of most of our Moscow team and our partnership with Inventive Retail Group,” Chikhachev said.

Inventive Retail Group, which also ran Apple, Samsung and Nike branded stores, operates 81 Russian LEGO stores. According to Chikhachev, the Moscow division of the company laid off 70 of its employees and provided them with severance pay.

According to experts, Inc. notes, LEGO sets imported through "parallel imports" can be sold in the same stores as before, but they will have to change signs. The Russian government legalized parallel imports on 30 March. The goods included in the relevant list will be subject to the international principle of "exhaustion" of trademark rights, that is, after the first sale of the original goods, they can be imported into Russia without the owner's permission.

American Daily Newspaper

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