Ukrainian troops attacked Novaya Kakhovka, what kind of object was blown up is still unknown. Ukrainian Telegram channels report a strike on a Russian ammunition depot. The reason for the powerful explosion could be the impact of the American MLRS HIMARS.
The adviser to the head of the Kherson Regional Military District Serhiy Khlan confirmed that the Ukrainian Armed Forces got into the ammunition depot in Nova Kakhovka. “People's windows are flying out, but they are still happy ... Because it means that the APU is close. However, residents of Novokakhovka, please take care of yourself and do not come close to the detonation site. Hang in there! Although the Russians will again say that this is only cotton, ”wrote Khlan.
The Russian media do not report that the ammunition depot was blown up, limiting themselves to information about the undamaged Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.
Update 23:35. Russian state media RIA Novosti, citing the occupying head of the Kherson region, reported that after the Ukrainian strike, warehouses with saltpeter exploded, and the explosions continue.
Update 00:03. The shelling of Novaya Kakhovka was carried out from the American MLRS HIMARS, the occupying head of the Kherson region told RIA Novosti.