The Russian surgeon shouted at the corporate party “Glory to Ukraine!”. He was fired on the instructions of the mayor, and the FSB officers threatened to put his “nose in the throat”

Russian surgeon Viktor Pavlenko jokingly shouted “Glory to Ukraine!” at a corporate party, after which he was fired, a case was brought against him for “discrediting” the army, and FSB officers began to threaten to drive his “nose down his throat.” This was announced in his Telegram channel by the Lipetsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in which the doctor is a member.

Medical workers celebrated their professional holiday on June 17 at the recreation center near Yelets, Lipetsk region. On the same base that day, the mayor of Yelets Yevgeny Borovskikh, employees of the prosecutor's office and the FSB were resting and drinking. The report notes that the employees staged a “persecution of a surgeon with a Ukrainian surname,” as they heard that Pavlenko shouted out the phrase “Glory to Ukraine.”

The 67-year-old head of the surgical department was taken to the district police department, the FSB officers handcuffed him and promised to put his nose in his throat if he did not confess to the video camera and apologize to his superiors. He was kept there for several hours. A doctor with 40 years of experience was fired from the post of head and will now be tried for "discrediting" the Russian army.

Pavlenko himself, in an interview with Podyom, said that he shouted out the phrase "absolutely without any intent," and also justified himself that "this is not a Bandera statement."

“We walked around the neighborhood, there is a guard wooden tower, there I, looking at the open spaces, shouted. I didn't think about anything. We were all a little drunk, of course. It was a joke, because I thought that only the employees of our hospital were there, but the head of the city and the entire administration were there. The mayor said right there that such a person should be fired.”

The doctor was forced to write a statement about the transition from the head to ordinary doctors. The surgeon himself explains that his father is a communist, a front-line soldier, an employee of Smersh, so he was brought up in the communist spirit from childhood. “Well, how can I discredit the army?” Pavlenko concluded.

Earlier, Nizhny Novgorod activist Alexei Podnebesny was fined 30,000 rubles for “discrediting” the Russian army because he wrote the word “special operation” in quotation marks. The court considered that the quotation marks testify "to the ironic, opposite, disparaging meaning of the word." More than 2,100 Russians have already been accused of “discrediting” the Russian army (20.3.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) during the war in Ukraine. They were issued fines totaling more than 25 million rubles. 52 criminal cases were opened for spreading "fake news" about the army.

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