Instead of a sports company, hockey player Fedotov was assigned to a regular one – “Match TV”

Philadelphia Flyers goalie Ivan Fedotov, who was detained in Russia for evading military service, was discharged from the Naval Hospital of the Ministry of Defense in Severodvinsk and transferred to a military unit. The athlete ended up in an ordinary company, and not a sports one, as expected. This was reported by "Match TV".

In addition, the channel became aware of the conditions of the hockey player's stay in the educational part of Severodvinsk. Fedotov does not live in a common barracks - he was given a separate room with a telephone. At the same time, the educational part is closed, relatives are not allowed there, with the exception of the ceremony of taking the oath. However, many praise the conditions of stay in the unit.

“It's like a pioneer camp, there is no hazing. And there is a very good attitude towards Fedotov. They look at him like a star. And he himself behaves calmly like a boa constrictor, ”a Match TV source said.

On July 1, hockey player Ivan Fedotov was detained in St. Petersburg for evading military service. In the military registration and enlistment office, the athlete became ill, he was hospitalized in the Botkin infectious diseases hospital. He underwent an additional examination at the Military Medical Academy, and then was taken to the 1469th Naval Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense in Severodvinsk. Later, his lawyer Alexei Ponomarev said that the hockey player had worsened gastritis due to a nervous breakdown.

In May, Fedotov signed a contract with the NHL Philadelphia Flyers and told the coaching staff and management of CSKA, which is patronized by the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin, that he was no longer ready to play for the club and wanted to leave Russia.

The hockey player will serve in Severodvinsk until September, after which a decision will be made on his future duty station. Presumably, one of the military units located on Novaya Zemlya in the Arctic Ocean can become one.

Ivan Fedotov is the silver medalist of the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing as part of the Russian team and the winner of the Gagarin Cup at the end of the 2021-2022 season.

American Daily Newspaper

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