In 2021, the number of hungry and malnourished people in the world has risen to 828 million. This is about 46 million more than in 2020 and 150 million more than before the start of the pandemic. This was reported by TASS on July 6, citing a UN report. The proportion of hungry on the planet has reached 9.8% of the total population of the Earth.
Director of the UN World Food Program David Beasley noted that in the coming months we should expect an increase in the number of hungry people due to the situation in Ukraine.
“The global spike in food, fuel and fertilizer prices that we are seeing as a result of the crisis in Ukraine threatens to cause starvation in countries around the world. This will lead to global destabilization, starvation and mass migration on a scale never seen before,” Beasley said.
Russia and Ukraine are world leaders in the production and export of grain, however, due to the war in Ukraine and the actions of the Russian command, there is a risk that grain supplies to other countries will drop sharply. The situation is aggravated by the blocking of Ukrainian ports by the Russian side, which puts the world at risk of a large-scale food crisis, and in some countries, famine.