In Krasnoyarsk, due to sanctions, they cannot repair the device for vision correction. Patients with cataracts are not booked

In the Krasnoyarsk Regional Ophthalmological Hospital named after Makarov, due to the war and the sanctions imposed against Russia, they cannot repair a broken vision correction device. As Newslab writes with reference to patients, because of this, a line of patients with cataracts formed in the medical facility.

This information was confirmed to the publication by the acting head physician of the hospital Anatoly Maksimov. According to him, the device is still under warranty:

“Because of the special operation, the supplier cannot repair it. The legal process has now begun. Because of this, there have been delays in servicing patients who need cataract surgery.”

Maksimov said that the broken device is planned to be replaced with a new one by October 2022. Until that time, patients will be referred to private clinics operating under compulsory medical insurance.

On April 8, 2022, the European Union adopted the fifth package of sanctions against Russia, which provides for a ban on the export of high-tech products from the European Union. The decree bans the import into Russia of "jet fuel and other goods such as quantum computers and advanced semiconductors, high-tech electronics, software, sensitive equipment and transportation equipment."

A month later, Japan imposed similar sanctions, expanding the list of goods and technologies that are prohibited from being exported to Russia. The list includes high-tech equipment: quantum computers and spare parts for them, electron and atomic force microscopes, 3D printers and metal powders used for them, equipment for the production of organic light emitting diodes, equipment for the production of microelectromechanical systems, equipment for the production of hydrogen fuel, vacuum pumps , cooling equipment designed for extremely low temperatures and its components, numerical control (CNC) devices for machine tools, polymers.

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