The IKEA website stopped working in the first minutes after the start of the online sale in Russia

The IKEA website fell after the start of the sale for buyers from Russia: it started at midnight on July 5th. Many users were unable to log into their accounts, add items to the cart, and for some, the site stopped opening at all.

On the morning of July 5, the site is up, but you still can't add items to your shopping cart. Users from other countries are also experiencing problems with the site.

Sale from IKEA for Russians will last six weeks.

IKEA announced the suspension of work in Russia in early March after the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine. A month ago, the company announced a decision to sell 4 IKEA factories in Russia, cut employees, and sell the remaining goods from warehouses. Landlords began to receive reports of early termination of contracts with IKEA.

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