Student in Belarus sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for reposting criticism of Putin and Lukashenka

In Belarus, the court of the Kirovsky district of the Mogilev region sentenced 20-year-old student Danuta Perednya to 6.5 years in a penal colony for reposting in one of the chats a text criticizing the actions of Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko to unleash a war in Ukraine. This is reported by the Mayday Team Telegram channel.

The student was accused of “actions aimed at causing harm to the national interests of the Republic of Belarus” (part 3 of article 361 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus) and insulting Lukashenka (part 1 of article 368 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus).

On February 28, 2022, the day after the repost, the student was detained by the security forces when she arrived by minibus from Kirovsk to Mogilev. Perednya studied at Moscow State University. A. A. Kuleshova. After initiating a criminal case, she was expelled from the university.

On June 10, the State Security Committee added Perednya to the list of "persons involved in terrorist activities."

Belarusian human rights activists recognized Perednya as a political prisoner.

American Daily Newspaper

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