Military wives from Buryatia demand the return of their husbands from Ukraine

The wives of servicemen from military unit 46108, located near Ulan-Ude, demanded that the head of Buryatia, Alexei Tsydenov, return their husbands and sons to their homeland. The video with the appeal was posted on Instagram by Vera Partilkhaeva, one of the applicants.

The appeal says that the military from the 5th Tatsinskaya tank brigade “departed for exercises in Belarus in January”, and since February 24 they “participate in a special operation.” “They are mentally and physically exhausted,” the women say. There are many wounded among the military, they are not provided with medical care, the appeal says: “All of them have mild to moderate shell shock.”

“We ask you to consider the issue of replacing, rotating the military personnel of military unit 46108 and sending them to their place of permanent deployment,” the authors of the appeal say.

The military from this brigade really take an active part in the hostilities in Ukraine. Two of them, Bayaskhalan Shultumov and Pavel Aganaev, are accused by the Ukrainian prosecutor's office of violating the law on the "rules and customs of war": according to the department, in March they robbed a house in the village of Buzovo, Buchansky district. As of the beginning of April, according to the Agency's estimates , at least 14 servicemen from this unit were killed in Ukraine.

American Daily Newspaper

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