The court fined a teacher from Crimea for 30 thousand rubles, who condemned the war in a conversation with students

The Dzhankoy city court fined teacher Susanna Bezaziyeva 30,000 rubles under the article on “discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” the Grati newspaper reports . Bezazieva, in a conversation with her students, condemned the war in Ukraine.

Previously, she was forced to write a letter of resignation. Bezazieva told the publication that during the break she heard a conversation between two students about fascism and Nazism. She intervened and said: “Girls, do you know what Nazism and fascism are? On the territory of Ukraine, citizens are simply defending their homes, fighting for their freedom and independence.”

Two days later, Bezazieva was summoned to the principal, who claimed that the teacher "commented on the letter Z on the T-shirt of one of the students." “They told me: ‘Susanna Rasimovna, don’t give publicity to this situation, sit it out, everything will be fine, everything is fine, go on to work’, that ‘these lawsuits are useless’, because, according to colleagues, such an article could be the solution that in the future I won’t be able to work in my specialty at all, I won’t be able to get a job and no school will take me, ”the teacher told the Grati publication.

Later, the teacher was informed that the parents of the schoolchildren were demanding her dismissal, “they were going to go to the police and the FSB,” and the next day the police came to the school - the parents of the students wrote a statement to Bezazieva. From the department, after the teacher refused to give explanations, referring to Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, she was released with the words “wait”.

“Unexpectedly for myself, she became famous. Yesterday, publications about me appeared in the groups “We are from Dzhankoy”, “Typical Dzhankoy”, in many other publics on the Internet - apparently, my dismissal seemed to them not enough. At the same time, I receive many words of support from other parents, from children at recess, and this now gives me the strength to survive this story, ”Grati quotes Bezazieva.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, teachers in Russian schools who speak out against the war have come under repeated pressure. For example, a teacher from Penza, Irina Gen, was charged with spreading “fake news” about the Russian army after she delivered an anti-war speech to her students.

American Daily Newspaper

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