In the intercession colony on Navalny, a report was drawn up for a T-shirt

Politician Alexei Navalny was reported in the Pokrovskoy correctional colony No. 2 for violating the uniform: “At 6:30 in the morning I went to the washbasin in a T-shirt, and not in a prison uniform.” This was reported in the politician's Instagram account. This happened on the day Navalny was transferred to the Vladimir colony No. 6.

The message in the account says that “reports, reprimands and encouragement are the most important part of the life of the “red” zones. Everything is controlled here (it is clear that beatings and tortures)": "Two reprimands - they can be sent to the ShIZO." Reprimands “burn out” a year after the last one: “My last reprimand with the wording “broke the ceiling” (don’t ask) was last August. Accordingly, this August, all my 30 reprimands were supposed to “burn out.”

But on June 14, the day Navalny was transferred from one colony to another, he received a new reprimand. “Therefore, my new zone, having considered the letter from the old zone, summoned me to the commission, condemned me for such lawlessness and issued a new reprimand. So my 30 previous reprimands are now with me for another year. Very convenient - at any moment I can be recognized as a malicious violator, thrown into a punishment cell, etc. ” - the message says.

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