Ukraine has declared suspicion to RT propagandist Anton Krasovsky. He can be put on the international wanted list

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has announced suspicion to the director of broadcasting of the Russian-language TV channel RT Anton Krasovsky.

The propagandist is suspected of publicly calling for genocide and forcible change or overthrow of the constitutional order or for the seizure of state power in Ukraine.

“To spread enemy propaganda, he used television broadcasts and his own YouTube and Telegram channels. Now the issue of declaring the propagandist on the international wanted list is being decided,” the message says.

At the end of March, the SBU put two Russian propagandists on the international wanted list: Dmitry Kiselyov, general director of the Rossiya Segodnya agency, and Olga Skabeeva, TV presenter of the Rossiya 1 channel. They are suspected of publicly supporting the war and calling for changes in Ukraine's borders. Earlier, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine opened criminal cases against both under the relevant articles.

American Daily Newspaper

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