In St. Petersburg, unidentified people beat up anti-war activist Oleg Klimenchuk. He himself told OVD-Info about this. According to the man, the attack took place on June 14 near his house. One of the attackers said: “How much did you sell out, bitch? If you come out again, I'll kill you!" and "You don't have to go to the cops, I'm a cop myself."
On June 1, Klymenchuk went to an anti-war solo picket with a poster with poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky “Requiem”: “Are children born for death, Motherland? Meet the quivering spring, people of the Earth. Kill the war, curse the war, people of the Earth! He was detained and a protocol was drawn up on discrediting the army (Article 20.3.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). After that, the activist began to receive threats in the form of SMS messages and leaflets on the door of his apartment.

Klimenchuk went to the hospital to fix the beatings, and wrote a statement to the police.
At the end of May, SOTA journalist Pyotr Ivanov was beaten up in St. Petersburg. Two unidentified men guarded him near his house, threw him to the ground and beat him, striking him on the head. After that, the attackers took a picture of Ivanov and asked: “Are you going to do more ***** (garbage)?” After that, the perpetrators fled. From the beginning of the war, Ivanov covered anti-war actions in St. Petersburg.