A Russian spy was detained in the Netherlands. He tried to get a job in a court in The Hague investigating war crimes in Ukraine

The Dutch intelligence and security service said it exposed a Russian intelligence officer who was trying to get a job as an intern at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

According to the report, the Russian, whom the special service called Sergei Vladimirovich Cherkasov, posed as a Brazilian. According to intelligence, he works for the GRU of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The International Criminal Court is investigating possible war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine. “For these reasons, clandestine access to information from the International Criminal Court would be very valuable for the Russian intelligence services,” the Dutch Intelligence and Security Service said in a statement.

Karim Khan, prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, said in mid-May that 42 experts had been sent to Ukraine to investigate alleged war crimes committed as part of the Russian invasion. This is the largest mission ever undertaken by the ICC prosecutor's office.

On March 3, Khan opened an investigation into reports of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine committed by the Russian army. Karim Khan visited Ukraine in April, in particular, he visited Bucha, Kyiv region. The world learned about the genocide of civilians in Bucha on April 2. Then the journalists and the Ukrainian military entered the city liberated from Russian occupation and saw the streets strewn with corpses. Some of them had their hands tied behind their backs, some died from shots in the back of the head. The Insider spoke to the residents of Bucha, and they told how the Russian military shot random passers-by, robbed houses and did not let them leave.

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